Prevent Duty
Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 it is the duty of all schools (and other organisations) to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. All schools have a responsibility to protect pupils from extremist and violent views, and also to teach and promote values such as mutual respect and tolerance.
British Values include:
The rule of law
Individual liberty and mutual respect
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Within our school we work hard to enable our pupils to become positive, confident and respectful members of society.
This is supported by: -
Having a school mission statement with clear aims and visions
Providing a safe, secure environment for pupils to learn in
Exploring different religions and cultures as part of our curriculum and within religious education lessons
Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils by providing a Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship programme
Promoting safe use of the internet and providing safe, secure internet access within school
Promoting community cohesion by establishing and maintaining contact with local community groups, other local schools and schools in contrasting localities
Having a school council and ensuring that all pupils are valued and listened to.
Useful links
Prevent Duty guidance England & Wales
Kirklees Council 'Prevent' Information
Useful contacts
Denby CE (VA) First School Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Lynsey Wagstaff 01484 866511